What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trainer Tip: Arming Yourself for Success and Longevity

Exercise Prescription and Programming 

One may ask what the importance is, what exactly that entails, and how to do. Well, here we go.  As a health and fitness specialist (HFS), the above is a foundation upon what I work upon, for not only my clients, the programs written here, for the my parents and siblings, but also, myself.

The human body is one that is comprised of muscles, bones, organs, tendons, ligaments, and many other structures.  In a perfect world, our bodies would move how they were intended to.  Symmetrical and proportionate beings would walk the Earth, however we all know this is not so.  If you do not believe me, next time you go into a gym, a park, work, a store, etc., just take a glance around.  Many people tend to have a forward slouch, slumped shoulders, tiny legs, no ass, or too much of, cant raise arms overhead, have shoulder issues, lower back issues, cant squat down without crapping on their own heels, and generally only workout the muscles they see in the mirror (arms, chest, and "abs").  This is where we as HFS come in, myself included.  To correctly and effectively program is an art, one that goes back to chiseling the perfect body as seen through the "Statue of David".  Notice Dave's perfectly balance, symmetrical physique.  Art.  And so are our own bodies, all of us; beneath all of the superficial matter, there are bones, muscles, and a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.

So on to your journey of optimal health, wellness, and yes, even aesthetics.  To remain realistic, we must recognize that David led a much different life than most of us today.  He did not sit for a living, he ate beautifully, embraced the gift he was given through taking care of his body and temple, and sought balance throughout his life.  For many of us, that is an unattainable and unrealistic aspiration...and you would be  partially correct.  Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and always out of reach, driving us forward, to persevere, to attain further, and never ceasing in the face of adversity.

Enter, the importance of programming a sound and balanced training regimen that will highlight areas of need, corrective issues (previous injuries, movement disorders, and/or future areas of concern), injury prevention, goals (muscle mass, fat loss, improved cardiovascular health, clinical improvements, etc).

For those of you interested in education and arming yourself, I recommend a great beginner book...

Athletic Body in Balance by Gray Cook

Pick up the book, and take a read.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.  Let me arm you, and lets proceed forth.

For those who wish to have me be your leader, GREAT!  Contact me with specifics and we can discuss!

Mike Dewar 
M.A. Applied Physiology
B.S. Exercise Science w/ Minor in Nutrition and Foods
Precision Nutrition and Counseling Coach
Health Fitness Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer


Pushing past the lazy you

Today was one of those days when you get to the gym, look around and think to yourself, "Maybe I'll just rest today". That was my attitude as I walked into the gym this morning. I was having trouble getting motivated and it didn't help that the gym was empty, I mean totally empty. Just me and the weights. Normally I would be happy, no one to complain about my music, crank the stereo up loud and throw some weights around. Today I just couldn't get in the mood though. I was already there so I was bound to do something.
After an extremely slow warm-up I decided that if I did my strength work I would skip my WOD and go home. I made the agreement with myself and got to work. I have recently begun the 5/3/1 program that our dear Dewar has been on. After reading the book and consulting with the one and only I started this week.

~3x5 Bench Press
~3x10 Bent Over Row
~3x10 Dips w/Cable Pushdowns

There! I was done. I did what I said I was going to do so now I can go home right? Wrong. I thought about leaving briefly but a multitude of thoughts rushed through my mind. How would I feel later if I skipped this? What were my competitors doing right now? How will this benefit me in the long run? Why am I being a bitch? I had this inner monologue with myself, who is apparently a little mean, for a few moments. I thought of my goals and how leaving would help me achieve them..........nothing. So I made the choice to push through. I picked the most motivating song and played it as loud as I could without my ears bleeding and as Mike would say, got shit done.

Cindy - 20 minute AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Once I finished, and was thoroughly deaf, I knew I made the right choice. The point of today is to push aside the lazy person inside of yourself and accomplish what you know you can and should do. Whether it's making it to the gym, spending those extra minutes at work, or even just getting up and getting to work. If you need help committing to the right decision just ask yourself these questions.
  1. Am I going to regret this later?
  2. Will I feel better once this is done?
  3. How will this help me achieve my goals?
These should help you make the right choice. But the fact that you need to ask these questions at all is evidence that you already know the right choice.

Review: Reebok CrossFit OLY Shoes

Recently I made an investment in my journey in the form of a pair of Olympic lifting shoes. I bought the Reebok CrossFit OLY Shoes that are pictured below. For those that are unfamiliar with these lifting shoes, they have a few specific purposes. The first of these purposes is to give you a hard surface to push off of so you don't lose any force in your lift. Imagine trying to squat on piece of memory foam compared with a slab of concrete. While these are drastic comparisons, the point that is being made is that the harder the surface you push off of, the greater the force that is directed straight to the load being lifted instead of being lost in the give of the surface. The "surface" in this explanation can also be replaced with "shoe". Think of squatting in a normal running shoe with all of its cushioning. As that load is applied to the shoe the padding will absorb this force and essentially lower your force output as you try and push back. This is the reasoning behind a lifting shoe, it gives you a hard solid surface to push against.
Another benefit of these shoes is the design of the heel. The heel is raised up to provide a mechanical advantage by keeping the shoulders over top of the hips. In this position the body is the strongest and can exert the biggest forces. It is similar to placing a weight under your heels when you squat. This is especially important when receiving heavy loads in the full squat position during a snatch or clean.
So to sum it up, a lifting shoe raises the heel to provide a more upright torso and pushing power as well as providing a hard, solid surface from which to push against.

Now to the shoes at hand, Reebok's shoe is a hybrid shoe which combines these elements along with a flexible shoe in the ball and toe region. They did this so the shoe would be able to be used during workouts that incorporate Olympic lifts and other exercises like box jumps, double unders, and burpees. The shoes run true to Reebok sizing, a 10 in their regular shoes will be a 10 in these shoes as well.
I love these shoes. They make a significant difference in squatting and even more so when doing full cleans and snatches. I could instantly feel the increased stability when I squatted down. It was the most apparent when doing overhead squats and full snatches. My feet felt glued to the ground during these lifts but the shoes are still light enough that I was able to do box jumps and double unders while still wearing them.
Overall, if you do a lot of Olympic lifting or even just a lot of squatting then I would recommend a pair of lifting shoes. If you plan on doing these lifts in conjunction with other exercises where you need some foot mobility then these are the shoes for you. Are they expensive? Yes. The Reebok ones are $150. You can find other brands from $99 to $200. Most of the other brands are going to have a hard sole throughout the entire shoe which will limit the mobility in them slightly but if you are only going to use them for those lifts then they won't be a problem for you.

So in review - If you do a lot of Olympic lifting then you may want to look into a pair. If you don't, I would pass.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

$8 Man meal. Come get it.

Here ya go.  Build the muscle, stabalize the blood sugar, and get shit done! Time to sleep....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"To infinity, and BEYOND!"

To my friends.  We did it.  Proud to be a part of something bigger than just a race.  Thank you for including me in on YOUR JOURNEY.
Pit: 164 reps
5 Mile Course: 51 mins
Motivation, perseverance, determination, and success. 
"Just keep swimming."
- Dory

***70th place out of 1300+.  I'll take that for first time competing.***
Who knows, an alternative path upon my journey may begin.

To go, to do, and to conquer.

For some, these three are seen as seperate, while to others they are seen as consecutive synonyms. 

Half ass efforts lead to half ass results.  This has been preached to most, including myself, since youth.  Believe it or not, our parents had it right on this one. 

1. Goals (realistic yet optimistic)
2. Goal mapping (direct, clear, and measurable tracking)
3. Goal reaching (ALWAYS, if not on the first attempt, fix it, and attain)
4. Re-evaluate and repeat

Today was the day of the CMC event, and as I sit here writing this on the train ride into Brooklyn, I recollect the past 6 weeks of focused intensity.  That focused intensity drove me to push harder, run faster, and endure the uncomfortable and the ominous.  Through reaching my daily goals of not bitchig out, and holding myself accountable, I feel confidently anxious going into today. 

Whether in your own health and fitness events, goals, personal life and feats, and any other aspect of what and who you are, the above four steps are crucial and vital to your ongoing success.  So get a pad of paper out, and write things you like about what, how, or who you are; and then things to the contrary.  Find the practices that model success, and illuminate the ones that need improvement.  Set your goals, track yourself, and attain.  Build upon your successes, and learn from your failures.  It's a long journey.  Embrace the struggles, celebrate your feats, and NEVER become contempt with your successes.  Re-assess, re-focus, and reapeat. 

Whew, that must be the caffeine and jitters talking. Thanks for the ear.  Off I go, only to return again, ready to celebrate today, and repeat the steps tomorrow. 

"To infinity, and BEYOND!"
- Buzz Lightyear

Friday, September 21, 2012

Daily Workout (9.20.12): Dumbbell Detonation #2

Here's next rendition of Dumbbell Detonation#2.

This metabolic meltdown will forge the muscle in the iron furnace, strip the fat fro your body, and make everyone else look and stare.  Haters are always welcome.

Daily Workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a12OpOz-Dj8

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proper Nutrition = High Octane Fuel

What's up athletes? As you may know, I'm home on vacation until October and I am living it up as much as possible. A lot of lounging and eating, a lot of eating and not my usual healthy foods either. I've cheated quite a bit and am starting to feel the effects. Normally my diet is clean and I eat healthy but since I've returned home my diet has taken a turn for the worse. Home cooked food along with parties and family gatherings don't make for the best scenarios for eating healthy.

The reason I bring this up is because of this lapse in nutritional discipline my performance in the gym has suffered. It may not be hugely significant but is very noticeable, especially to me. It has added a little more struggle under a weight that's normally manageable, added seconds on to workouts, and required just a little more motivation to get started. Sometimes the importance of nutrition gets lost in the rush of the day so a healthy meal gets sacrificed into a double cheeseburger and fries. I've heard people say that eating right is hard and confusing. These are just excuses so they can continue eating the same foods they always have. When you get down to it though eating right is simple, it just requires a decision by yourself to commit to it.

Aside from being a fat kid back at home, here is what else I've been up to...

1) 5x5 Squat Cleans 
"Grannie" 5 rounds
6 x Clean and Jerks then 50,40,30,20,10 of Double Unders and Sit Ups

1-5 Pull Up Ladder x 3

2)5x5 then 3x5 Flat Bench
5x5 Push Press

400m Run
21 x DB Swings 55#
12 x Pull Ups

3)5x5 Back Squat

Deadlift 225#
Overhead Squat 135#

Still getting the work in but not at the highest potential due to all this cheat food around the house.

In the end, fuel your body up right so you can perform at your highest. If you fill your body up with regular unleaded gas it will perform like a 1972 Station wagon....slow. You want to perform like a 2013 Ferrari then you need that super premium fuel. Picking up what I'm putting down? So next time you get out there and start your journey, make sure you fill up beforehand.

If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?

When life gets me working hard and pondering harder, my body is my fortress.  Paralleling the belief that your body is a temple, I stay true to myself.  The unforeseen and unexpected happen, things get said, and things go differently than planned.  Those you cannot hold on to for too long, because only bad will come of it.  Some of you have found ways to debrief, de-stress, and recoup from such events; however many have not.  What I offer you is my outlet, one forged from solidarity, two deuces thrown in the air to your naysayers, and a heighten respect for oneself; and ultimately the only means you have to accomplish your goals and overcome your setbacks...YOUR body and YOUR mind.

For you, I have what I turn to.  I believe that through exercise, nutrition, and dedication to preserving YOUR temple is rewarded by the outlooks, strengths, and relationships forged through iron, sweat, and occasional nausea.

"OFF" Day Recharge Workout: 55-75min
- Foam Roll: 10min
Why? *Rid your body of painful acid build-up, heal yourself from muscle damage, and recharge your neurological systems.

 How? *Find a roller, a tennis ball, soup can, etc, and get after it.  Videos to come.

- Cardiovascular Exercise: 30-45min
Why? *Improve your mood, lipid and blood pressure profiles, heart health, weight loss / weight maintenance, and stimulate positive thinking through increased blood flow and release of mood boosting neurotransmitters.

How? *Pick your piece of equipment (your own body for walking, running, jumping, dancing, etc, or any mass modalities found in local gym.

- Resistance Training: 15-20min
Why? *Improve muscular health, detoxify yourself from the vigor of life via attacking the weights, and improve your body composition and aesthetic prowess...A.K.A. CONFIDENCE.

How? *Pick a weight that allows you to complete ~20 reps on your first set.  Subtract the total cumulative number of reps from 100 total reps to get your rest period.  As you go into your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc sets, your rest periods will decrease, so get after it!
100 total reps - (20 reps in 1st set) = 80sec rest
100 total reps - (20 in 1st + 18 in 2nd set) = 62 sec rest
100 total reps - (20 in 1st + 18 in 2nd + 17 in 3rd set) = 45 sec rest
...You get the picture.  Use the same weight throughout entire circuit, descending all the way to zero.  

1) Cable Curl
2) Cable Triceps Extension / Kickback
3) BOSU Crunch
 ***Yes, this was an aesthetically based superficial workout.  Hey, we all need these now and then.  No one can deny improved body confidence, gusto, and empowerment.  We would all be lying if that wasn't true.

There you have it.  Roughly 60 minutes to a greater you.  A greater outlook.  A greater investment in your health retirement portfolio than many other vices out there...(drinking, eating, isolating one's self, negativity, etc).  Remember, your body is your temple.

"If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong"
- Thomas Jefferson

"Our body is a machine for living. It is geared towards it; it is its nature. Let life go on in it unhindered and let it defend itself; it will be more effective than if you paralyze it by encumbering it with remedies."
- Leo Tolstoy

Monday, September 17, 2012

Daily Workout (9.17.12): "Pull" HIST

"Push" H.I.S.T. (High Intensity Strength Training): 60mins (Pick your workout window...pick either a 10, 15, or 20min time frame).  Tack this one in between you cardiovascular exercise time...

* "Push" refers to the cardinal planes of movement primarily involved in this routine (muscles and joints).  A sound exercise program / trainer / advocate should understand how the body works (anatomy, agonist and antagonist of muscle and joint actions, injury prevention through balanced training, programmed rest days for various groups, recovery, etc.  If have any questions, its my thing, so reach out.  I could chat allllllll day about it...and probably evening and the next.)

- 10min Cardiovascular Exercise (Rowing, Running, Inclined Walking, ... Elliptical, etc)
- 10-20min of "Daily Workout" (See Below)
- Remaining time doing Cardiovascular Exercise

Pick weight loads that are roughly your 10RM (rep max) for each (barbell, pair of dumbbells, body weight, etc).  Then, perform one repetition of each movement each in consecutive circuit manner (should get all 5 reps...1 rep of each exercise...in about 1 minute = 1 set).  Pick time frame and get as many sets in as possible.  Push yourself, and get shit done.
a) Dumbbell Chest Press x1
b) Dumbbell Deadlift x1
c) Dumbbell Shoulder Press x1
d) Dumbbell Overhead Squat x1
e) Dumbbell Weighted Crunch / V-Up x1

*For now, until we get database of exercises uploaded and ready for your use, shoot me questions regarding how to perform exercises if need!*

Weekend Warriors

This is a recap of the very eventful weekend that passed, followed up with a nice and liesure Monday.

Saturday: *8 mile training run; however actually did 9 miles to my girlfriend's dismay...  : )

Sunday: 45min
- 5/3/1 BB Bench Press: 10min
This was my 2nd week of my 3rd cycle, (so my 10th week since I started).  Loving this methodology.  Bench went up 15lbs, which is very consistent gains (for someone who has been trying to get this done for so long.  5lbs per month, I'll take it)...

- "Push" H.I.S.T. (High Intensity Strength Training): 20mins
Pick 5 exercises, use loads that are 10RM (rep max) for each.  Then, perform one repetition of each movement for each in consecutive circuit manner (should get all 5 reps...1 rep of each exercise...in about 1 minute = 1 set).  Pick time frame and get as many sets in as possible.  Push yourself, and get shit done.
a) SA DB Snatch (65#) x1/side
b) SA DB Windmill (65#) x1/side
c) SA DB Bench Press (65#) x1/side
d) DB Overhead Squat (pair of 15#) x1
e) I-Beam Wide Grip Pull Up / Side to Side Pull Up / Low Lat Pull Up x1

- Chest/Triceps Volume Circuit: 15min
Perform all exercises in circuit fashion, resting only at end of complete round.  Pick weights that are of your 10-12RM (hypertrophy training weight).  Perform 3 rounds.  Rest60-90sec between rounds.
a) Cable Seated Chest Press / Inverted Bodyweight Plyometric Push Up w/ Claps x10
b) Cable Flye (various angles) x10
c) Dip (I practiced on muscle up transitions, so I did dips from end of muscle up position) x10
d) Cable Pressdown / Overhead Extension x10

Monday: 100min
- 3.5 mile Central Park run w/ hills

- TRX / Bodyweight Plyometric Circuits
We did 30sec max work:30-45sec rest frames, in which I alternated work and rest with my workout partner / girlfriend.  We completed 5 rounds each (5mins total....30sec X 5 rounds X 2 people) before progressing into next exercise.
1. Squat Jump / 180 Jump Turns / Burpee x30sec
2. Inverted Row / Pull Up / Chin Up x30sec
3. Inverted Shoulder Press / Push Up / Dip x30sec
4. Core Variation / (Plyo Leg Raise, Kick Throughs, TRX Pike/Pull In, etc) x30sec

- 1 mile run HOME.

Pretty active weekend.  Nothing crazy.  No crazy times spent at gym, no frills, nada.  Just outdoors, fitness, friendship, hard work, effort, persistence, and improvements!

More to come for week ahead.  6 days until CMC event!