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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trainer Tip: Arming Yourself for Success and Longevity

Exercise Prescription and Programming 

One may ask what the importance is, what exactly that entails, and how to do. Well, here we go.  As a health and fitness specialist (HFS), the above is a foundation upon what I work upon, for not only my clients, the programs written here, for the my parents and siblings, but also, myself.

The human body is one that is comprised of muscles, bones, organs, tendons, ligaments, and many other structures.  In a perfect world, our bodies would move how they were intended to.  Symmetrical and proportionate beings would walk the Earth, however we all know this is not so.  If you do not believe me, next time you go into a gym, a park, work, a store, etc., just take a glance around.  Many people tend to have a forward slouch, slumped shoulders, tiny legs, no ass, or too much of, cant raise arms overhead, have shoulder issues, lower back issues, cant squat down without crapping on their own heels, and generally only workout the muscles they see in the mirror (arms, chest, and "abs").  This is where we as HFS come in, myself included.  To correctly and effectively program is an art, one that goes back to chiseling the perfect body as seen through the "Statue of David".  Notice Dave's perfectly balance, symmetrical physique.  Art.  And so are our own bodies, all of us; beneath all of the superficial matter, there are bones, muscles, and a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.

So on to your journey of optimal health, wellness, and yes, even aesthetics.  To remain realistic, we must recognize that David led a much different life than most of us today.  He did not sit for a living, he ate beautifully, embraced the gift he was given through taking care of his body and temple, and sought balance throughout his life.  For many of us, that is an unattainable and unrealistic aspiration...and you would be  partially correct.  Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and always out of reach, driving us forward, to persevere, to attain further, and never ceasing in the face of adversity.

Enter, the importance of programming a sound and balanced training regimen that will highlight areas of need, corrective issues (previous injuries, movement disorders, and/or future areas of concern), injury prevention, goals (muscle mass, fat loss, improved cardiovascular health, clinical improvements, etc).

For those of you interested in education and arming yourself, I recommend a great beginner book...

Athletic Body in Balance by Gray Cook

Pick up the book, and take a read.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.  Let me arm you, and lets proceed forth.

For those who wish to have me be your leader, GREAT!  Contact me with specifics and we can discuss!

Mike Dewar 
M.A. Applied Physiology
B.S. Exercise Science w/ Minor in Nutrition and Foods
Precision Nutrition and Counseling Coach
Health Fitness Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer



  1. Well written Mike...reading reviews on this book...does application apply to all ages and circumstance;or is design intended for athletic ans coaching options. Great points!

  2. @redheadkb
    the applications of this book goes much further than those classes of humans the you have listed. this is a book covering the human body from an anatomical standpoint, hence we all can benefit from the readings. I recommend for you that we discuss together, since I will be programming your program and education will come along with that!
