What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life's Little Things

Results come through diligent practice, consistency, and perseverance.  If it was easy to get, everyone would have it.  Be the person you want to be today, tomorrow, and the next.  Do it for yourself, your loved ones, and your future. This is you 401k or Roth.  You may have money at retirement, but how well will you be able to live then if your journey towards greater health, self-respect, and well being hasn't started now.  Quality of life and it's pursuits.  Get after it today, because tomorrow is knocking at your door.

Before I barrage you with my weekend mayhem, I want to get something off my chest.

Food for thought:
The other evening on the subway, my girlfriend and I saw a woman in her mid 50's who was disabled with a prosthetic leg, screws and bolts on in her ankle, and something looking like scoliosis.  I was heartbroken at the sight of her, in what looked like painful endeavors to accomplish the every day tasks that we take for granted.  Struck by intense feelings of shame and frustration at myself and others who have forgotten how precious the little things in life can be.  I sat there later in bed, struggling with the concept of obesity and lack of physical activity (as well as many other factors of influence) among our population as a whole, furthering my disappointment, confusion, and frustration regarding motivation the masses to make changes for the future.  We all, yes even I, need to count our blessings, and recognize that they may vanish and deter at any moment.  Live your life, and do it to the fullest.  There are many things that you cannot control, but your health, the ways you eat, sleep, and live, is up to you.  And those actions will bring outcomes.  Start your journey today, snowballing your successes into an avalanche.  Get on the journey, stay on it.  Lead.  Reach out.  Conquer.

Ok, off my stand...

Saturday: 75min
*6 mile Scaffolding Run: My girlfriend and I ran our first scheduled long run for race in late October.  My girlfriend's goal was to run a half marathon, and mine was to help her achieve her goal and stay on track during HER JOURNEY.  The scaffolding part is where my love of climbing and doing random things comes in; at every scaffold that we passed, she was to do one jump to pull/chin up (assisted only during last half) and myself, plyo pulls and/or muscle up (I want that muscle up, so I'm keeping at it....Sonny, give me some pointers!).  We finished in great shape, and we both accomplished the goal of the day, to finish and do it strong. 

Sunday Mock Pit: 136 reps
*Not impressed with my mock pit numbers today. Wanted to beat my 149 mark from a week ago.  13 days til Showtime.

Sunday Pre-Kickoff Barbell Showcase: 26:59min
*I picked 10 BB exercises, threw them together into a circuit, and got after it.  I did five rounds in a ladder scheme, doing all 5 reps of an exercise, and continued in manner until all exercises consecutively completed.  I increased the weight on the first, second, and third round, then reversed down weight increments and got after it.  Here's what I have for you. Give it a shot for yourself, partner or not.  Grab a bar, a pair of dumbbells, or soup cans; for our beginners or elders out there ;)
Just get after it, and yes...
"Get shit done." (Excuse my French...)

*5 reps per exercise, alternating with partner per exercise (or resting just as much as you need).  Increase the weight on first three rounds, then reverse.  Then do your math to see how much weight you moved! 
1. BB High Pull
2. BB Clean
3. BB Front Squat
4. BB Push Press
5. BB Back Squat Jump
6. BB Bent Row
7. BB Roman / Stiffleg Deadlift
8. BB Floor Triceps Press w/ Toe touches to Plates (Obliques and Abdominals)
9. BB Abdominal Roll-Out
10. BB Bicep Cheat Curl (yea, why not right?!)

*The math part.  Follow along if this isn't your strong subject.
Round One: 10 exercises X 5 reps X 95# = 4,750#
Round Two: 10 X 5 X 115# = 5,750#
Round Three: 10 X 5 X 135# = 6750#
Round Four: 10 X 5 X 115# = 5,750#
Round Five: 10 X 5 X 95# = 4,750#
27,750# (13.5+ tons!) moved in 27mins! GET.SHIT.DONE.

With all that coming in in under an hour time at gym (foam rolling, warm-up, mock pit, BB complex, and cool-down) there are no excuses why one can't get shit done.

Now, off to watch Week 1 of the NFL! GO LIONS!