What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

To go, to do, and to conquer.

For some, these three are seen as seperate, while to others they are seen as consecutive synonyms. 

Half ass efforts lead to half ass results.  This has been preached to most, including myself, since youth.  Believe it or not, our parents had it right on this one. 

1. Goals (realistic yet optimistic)
2. Goal mapping (direct, clear, and measurable tracking)
3. Goal reaching (ALWAYS, if not on the first attempt, fix it, and attain)
4. Re-evaluate and repeat

Today was the day of the CMC event, and as I sit here writing this on the train ride into Brooklyn, I recollect the past 6 weeks of focused intensity.  That focused intensity drove me to push harder, run faster, and endure the uncomfortable and the ominous.  Through reaching my daily goals of not bitchig out, and holding myself accountable, I feel confidently anxious going into today. 

Whether in your own health and fitness events, goals, personal life and feats, and any other aspect of what and who you are, the above four steps are crucial and vital to your ongoing success.  So get a pad of paper out, and write things you like about what, how, or who you are; and then things to the contrary.  Find the practices that model success, and illuminate the ones that need improvement.  Set your goals, track yourself, and attain.  Build upon your successes, and learn from your failures.  It's a long journey.  Embrace the struggles, celebrate your feats, and NEVER become contempt with your successes.  Re-assess, re-focus, and reapeat. 

Whew, that must be the caffeine and jitters talking. Thanks for the ear.  Off I go, only to return again, ready to celebrate today, and repeat the steps tomorrow. 

"To infinity, and BEYOND!"
- Buzz Lightyear


  1. Thank you sir. Spread the J2Fit word to your world over in Midwest, of a man trying to spread the gospel of fitness, life, and well-being. See you in November my brother.
