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Friday, September 7, 2012

Still Kicking

What's happening J2Fit nation. I've been a little inconsistent with my posts lately, I blame work. Let's do a quick catch up.
Wednesday - Rest day, enough said.
Thursday - Worked on heavy Snatch with 7x5 followed by "Elizabeth" (21-15-9 of 135# Cleans and Ring Dips)
And now we are caught up, I feel better now. Today started off with some work related training and then I hopped out of a C-17 airplane in the afternoon. Obviously by me writing this it was a successful jump and I landed safely on the drop zone.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to work out at all today. I wasn't hurt or sore, just feeling lazy and unmotivated. Enter the trust workout partner who made me feel like a shitbag for wanting to skip today when I just rested two days ago! Fast forward 30 minutes and I found myself in the gym warming up. I don't have much of a workout to put up here though because we just kind of floated around the gym and did whatever we felt like today. It was scheduled as a light squat day so we did our main task and I threw in extra Air Squats in between all my sets. The only focused workout I did was with Turkish Get Ups. For those that don't know, a Turkish Get Up or TGU is an exercise where you hold a weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell even) above your head and move from a completely supine or lying position to standing up. It works the core and is a great shoulder exercise especially for strengthening the stabilizer muscles associated with the shoulder. So I proceeded to superset TGU with Air Squats. This video below is a quick demonstration of the Turkish Get Up as well as an impressive strength feat and my newest goal to achieve. The demonstrator uses a woman as his kettlebell, essentially doing a Human Turkish Get Up, check it out.


Not a lot to dissect today, pretty light, easy going day in the gym. I didn't want to over do it today as I have a 5K run tomorrow morning, the MSG Jared Van Aalst 10K/5K and 1 Mile Memorial Run. My goal is to come in under 20 minutes, I will have the results for you tomorrow. I'm sure you all can't wait! I'll leave you with this little gem...

"Be miserable or motivate yourself to do something about it. The key is it's always YOUR choice."
- Wayne Dyer

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