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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Leg Day "Deloaded"...not.

Today was Leg Day, with emphasis on squat.  It was also the 4th week on my 5/3/1 cycle, hence the deload.  I felt good, so I decided to do lower weight with high volume, all to give my joints a rest from the heavier loads without sacrificing muscle gains via volume training.  Here it goes, quick post today, however I have tour back and all of the goods,..don't worry, I have your back J2Fit nation!

Part I.  Lord of the Legs BB Barrage: 23min (Time yourself! This is what we got)
*Choose a weight that is your 12-15RM (rep max) for the weakest lift in the complex (most likely the BB Goodmorning).
*Perform each exercise for 10 reps, then proceed to next, completing all in consecutive order, then repeat.
*I performed this with my trusty workout partner, and out very own Mike Barbot.  Training partners help by governing rest periods to keep you on track. If by yourself, rest no longer than the time it took you to complete your set.  Get shit done.

1. BB Back Squat 135# x10
2. BB Goodmorning 135# x10
3. BB Roman Deadlift 135# x10
4. BB Jump Shrug 135# x10
5. Medicine Ball Jump Slams x10

*You can modify this by using a pair of dumbbells instead of a barbell, and swap the BB Goodmorning with a DB Front Squat.

Part II.  Glute Glory: 10min (You can do total time of either 10,15,20,or whatever time frame you want.  All that matters is that you are moving throughout!)
*Pick a weight that is your 10RM for weakest lift (most likely the KB Windmill)
*For directions on KB Windmill exercise, see previous post by Mike Barbot.
*You will perform one repetition of each exercise per side, then proceed to next exercise, performing all 5 in consecutive order.  One full run through of all exercises on each side = 1 round
*Try to get through as many complete rounds as possible in the time frame you set up.  Record and repeat every week, always striving to complete more rounds in same time!

1. KB SA Drop Lunge x1/side
2. KB SA Swing x1/side
3. KB SA Windmill x1/side
4. KB SA Front Squat x1/side
5. KB SA Plyometric Calf Hop x1/side

*My numbers: 9 rounds in 10min using a 24kg KB

Get shit done. Short sweet post today my friends.  Even us gym rats have lives and shit to do. Regardless, always get IT in!

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