What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Monday Monday!!!

What's going on folks? Surprisingly great Monday here in Georgia (how often do you hear that). Only 4 more days until this guy is flying home for vacation. For those that don't know, I will be heading overseas in the near future so starting this Friday is my 2 weeks of leave before the real work starts. And since we are basically done training that means there isn't a whole lot of work to be done. That makes for an easy day and enough free time to do this before lunch....

~10 x 10 Back Squat
~10 x 5 Overhead Squat
~3 x 8 Romanian Deadlift
~3 x 10 Back Extensions
~1 minute Back Ext Iso
~10 x Calf Raises on every step out of the gym. 20 steps x 10 raises = 200 total reps

We were able to get this in before lunch and our only afternoon meeting. Today was scheduled as a light squat day so we stuck with lower weights and increased the volume while moving as explosively as we could. It was a nice quick workout and left us walking to the chow hall a little weird. We had plenty of time to recover after lunch during a 4.5 hour meeting. After dinner we headed back to the gym. The idea was to do a longer workout instead of a faster, more intense WOD. Once we warmed up, we did some skill work with Muscle Ups and climbed the rope then got to work. Lucas and I took turns picking an exercise and number of reps for 30 minutes. Everything was free game, no restrictions aside from there was no rest between exercises. The goal was to move for the entire 30 minutes and mission accomplished. Fast forward a half an hour and I feel a little like throwing up. The best part about the workout is that we competed against each other to finish the exercises first as well as to try and make the exercises harder and harder as we went along. We ended up pushing each other and choosing exercises that the other person may not be as good at. While we did this so we could beat each other at it, it served another purpose as well. That forced us to work on things we were weak on. Another great benefit to having a workout partner. With another person there to help select workouts and exercises, you won't always do what you like or are good at. It pushes you outside of your little comfort bubble and helps improve areas you may be weak in.

So next time you and you're workout partner are getting bored with your schedule and want to try something new, shake it up with this workout. It can be as long or as short as you want and don't hold back on the exercises, use everything you have at your disposal. It's a great workout if you are short on time too. Just remember these tips: Move fast, don't rest and vary the exercises and reps.....oh and have fun!

"If you don't have fun in life, it's your own damn fault."
~ Sonny Litwiler

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