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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Game Day in the Gym

If these words are moving on the screen it means you may have been tailgating a little excessively today. I know you all are busy watching all the college games on today so I will keep this short. Woke up today ready to attack the day so that's what I did.

Morning Workout
~10 min Aerodyne 30 fast/30 slow
~4x10 DB military press
~100 x BB Bench @ 135# w/5x10 snatch pull @ 135#

~21-18-15-12-9-6-3  -  7:08
75# Push press
75# SDLHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull)

~4x10 95# BB Row/GHD Sit ups

Afternoon Workout
~10 RFT (Rounds For Time) - 14:31
15 x Deadlift @ 135#
15 x Push Up

~Muscle Ups/Handstands/DUs/Abs


This morning we worked on a lot of pressing and we kept it light since well, today was a light day. The WOD for the morning was a smoker. I beat my last time on that workout by about 2 minutes, progress! I finished up the morning with some Bent Over BB Rows to balance out the pressing and threw in some abs as well.
When the afternoon session came along I wanted to do something that would keep the pushing and pulling even so I landed on Deadlifts and Push Ups. Ended up doing a 150 of each during that workout and as Mike has done lately I added up my weight moved during that workout. 150 reps at 135 pounds equals 20,250 pounds. I like the way that looks. After that WOD I spent about a half an hour working on Handstands, Double Unders, Muscle Ups, and throwing in Abs as well. After the second session I felt great even though my body was pretty much spent. I went out to the basketball courts and shot around for a while and then called it a day.
I'll spare you a quote today as I'm sure you've heard plenty of motivational phrases/speeches during all the football coverage today. Enjoy the rest of the games and eat whatever you want...just remember it all tomorrow at the gym.

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