What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Cheat Day!

Today I am writing on the brink of a full blown, class 5, code red Food Coma. Today was my cheat day for the week and well, I cheated hard. I mean if today was a test, it was like I walked in with all the answers written on my hand, that's how bad I cheated. I absolutely destroyed a pizza buffet. In my defense it was almost $8 so I had to get my moneys worth! But it's ok, I'm not worried about it. I gave myself one cheat meal this week and I used it...and loved it I'll have you know. And while yes it may have set me back a little ways in terms of my calorie balance, it made me happy and I enjoyed it and ultimately that is the goal in life. So I will take the extra calories in return for a pizza baby growing in my stomach and turn it in to motivation for the next few days. It adds one more reason to my long and ever growing list. So if you are going to cheat, which you are allowed to, go ahead and make it something you will enjoy. Then use that to fuel your next workouts.

Aside from the carnage at the pizza buffet, today was a heavy squat day and we did just that.

~Foam Roll & Warm-Up
~Back Squat - worked up to a 3 rep max and then did 4 sets of 3 at that weight
~Front Squat - 5x3 increasing in weight each set
Air Squats 80-64-50-32-16-8   = 250
KB Swings 40-32-25-16-8-4    = 125
Pull Ups       20-16-12-8-4-2    = 62

A lot of squatting with and without weight but that was the goal today. The Jonesworthy workout is a longer CrossFit workout and gets its name from the Gym Jones workout method. They are usually longer workouts with lots of volume so that's where the name comes from. There's 6 rounds and you perform 80 Squats, 40 KB Swings, and 20 Pull Ups in the first round and each round the reps drop. We used a 24kg or 52.8lb or 1.5 pood (who even uses poods?) KB for the swings. A longer workout when compared with most CrossFit workouts but it's more focused on endurance rather than speed.
The plan was to come back for a second workout but between my legs hating me and the food coma I'm about to slip into, it will have to wait til tomorrow.

"Always keep your head up, you can't see where you need to go if you don't"

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