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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bar Muscle Up? Check!

What's up freaks? Fitness freaks that is. Hope your day has been productive and you've taken a few more steps or even a hop or a skip closer to your goals. Today I have done just that by cementing the Muscle Up firmly into my repertoire of exercises. I'm pretty excited about it as that was one of my goals I set for myself a few weeks ago. So now the next step is to up the ante and work on chaining multiple Muscle Ups together.

Anyways, after about an hour and a half of soccer this morning we conducted this little gem in the afternoon.

-Isabel - 4:59
30 x Snatch @ 135#
-3x8 Single Arm DB Snatch
-3 rounds
50 yd Farmer Carry
Push Ups
-3 rounds
50 yd Farmer Carry
-Incline DB Bench
10-8-6-4-2 reps
-3 rounds Incline DB Bench
5 Halfway Up > 5 Halfway Down > 5 Full Rep > 5 Negative Reps
-Strict Pull Ups
1-2-3-4-5 reps
-Row 2k
1 min Left Side Plank > 1 min Plank > 1 min Right Side Plank

We started off with foam rolling like always and warmed up with some Bear Complex and light Snatches. Then we did the CrossFit benchmark workout Isabelle which is 30 Snatches at 135 pounds. Just barely snuck in under 5 minutes. The first thing to go was my grip on this one, so we decided to attack that weakness and do some more grip work with the Farmer's Carry. Then we worked some Incline Bench to even out all the pulling with some pushing. We did 3 sets of an exercise similar to the classic bicep workout 21's. You do 5 reps from start to halfway up. Then 5 from the halfway point to fully extended, followed by 5 full reps and lastly 5 slow negative reps. It was surprisingly rough and a good way to end out the pressing. After a quick little Pull-Up ladder we rowed 2k for fun and then did a total of 9 minutes of core. 3 minutes of each left, center, and right side planks. Finally we stretched and went home.

A decent amount of work today. It felt good to come back to the gym after a full day off and I felt nice and strong even after all that work. Moral of the story, if you are feeling stale in the gym don't underestimate the power of a full day off. Not just a light day either, a day of complete recovery can rejuvenate you and refill your motivation meter. So if you ever get that feeling, think back to when you last took a full day off. It may be time for one. Just don't do that too often and do what my sister refers to as "over recover".

Enjoy your long Labor Day weekend if you're lucky enough to get a 3 or even a 4 day weekend like yours truly. We'll talk soon.

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