What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Manhattan Mike's" Sunday Quickie

Coming off my day of rest, in which I spent my Saturday at Six Flags with some of my greats, had a cheat meal (or two) of ice cream and pulled pork and fries, and sleeping off the tail end of Dramamine coma (thank you genetic disposition of motion sickness), I too was faced with the harsh reality of rest/recovery Sunday, or train.

As I had lunch with my girlfriend, internal struggles made war within; "Am I just being a lazy ass?  Should I rest and promise to do it tomorrow?  Will one day make a difference that much if I just take it off?".  Then my best friend and greatest motivator (my girlfriend), said, "It's an 8 minute circuit, and then a run,...you can do that, can't you?"

It was done. 

Her words we not those insinuating that I was being a lazy loaf of sourpuss bread, but rather ones that struck a different cord. She was motivating and insightful, without even knowing it. Those 8 minutes of my CMC circuit built me for the future, which trust me, could have been spent sitting on my ass on the coach or at a booze brunch. Furthermore, taking that 8 minutes one rep at a time, energized me (just enough to get through my workout) to pump out my foothill run as well. One hour later, I looked as if I jumped into a swimming pool, got beat by a red paint roller (if you know me, you know I have beautifully lush cheeks...thank you Scottish/Irish genetic disposition).  Nonetheless, I managed to put in quality time and get a foundation for my next month of CMC event training.

Below is my CMC specific event workout (straight from what I will be asked to do come Sept 22).

The Pit = 8 mins
- 75# BB Thrusters (Clean, Front Squat, Push Press) AMAP in 90 sec
- Rest 30 sec
- 20kg Kettle Bell American Swings (elbows to ears) AMAP in 90 sec
- Rest 30 sec
- Burpees (hips and chest to floor, jump up with arms overhead and hips and knees fully extended) AMAP in 90 sec
- Rest 30 sec
- 20 inch Box Jump (hip and knee full extension at top) AMAP in 90 sec
- Rest 3 mins

4.5 mile "Foothill" tempo run 
I find it difficult to simulate this component of the CMC event, so I focused on endurance and pacing.

My Pit Max Reps = 142 (27,45,28,42)
My 4.5 mile "Foothill" Run = 42 mins
Not too shabby for a month out, given the CMC averages:
Pit = 126 men
Run = 18 min PER mile (higher due to unknown obstacles...think "Tough Mudder")

Take a look below and visit the site.  Sign up and see how you stack up against yourself.  And it is for an outstanding cause, one that hits home here at J2Fit as well...
Civilian Military Combine (CMC)

As one can see, doing anything is better than doing nothing when it comes to your health, fitness, and your life.

Pushing things off for tomorrow is always assuming you will have tomorrow...don't get caught taking your time here and your ability to move and live for granted.

So hell, sign up for an event with some friends, go to that fitness class, or just get your ass outside and moving.  What better time to start than now.

"Catch the bug, foster the infliction, and become who you want to be."
- Mike Dewar


  1. Glad u had some fun..you have a great inspirational friend!

    1. Why thank you! Question? You are showing up as anonymous, and here at J2Fit we like to create an open community to address each and everyone of you on name basis. Would you be opposed to setting up you google+ profile?!
