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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Who are you, the "Tortoise" or the "Hare"?

Yes, today was my "rest" day from my 5/3/1 and CMC training, however when has that ever stopped us!
My training goal for today was total body movements, focusing on mobility, core stability, and endurance, all to help relieve stress and improve recovery time. So here ya go...

1. StairMaster with 50lb weighted vest 20 mins

2. Animal Flow (Animal Flow ABC's and Animal Flow Preview FAQ ... check it out!) : I did squat planks, down dog to cobra progressions, plank step outs, deep squat jumps, "Beast" twists, (dynamic warm-up aspect).  Animal Flow was developed by Mike Fitch and Global Body-weight Training.

3. Body movement complex (alternate weighted vest exercise and core work with my workout partner)
- weighted vest duck walk
- weighted vest inch worm
- weighted vest plyometric single leg lunge
- weighted vest line jumps
- weighted vest single leg RDL
Each component consisted of 1 min on, with transition periods of body weight core work in between.

4. Finished with 2 mile distance run (not crushing records, just trying to stay moving).

As one can see, lifelong fitness is doing things with the same intentions as the tortoise did when he raced the hare.  It's about consistency, degree of effort, always improving and giving you all one day at a time.

As my mother told me, "When you go to sleep every night, make sure you can close your eyes knowing you set forth and gave only your finest efforts in your daily pursuits."

And from my father, well, "There is no sense in doing things half ass, because all you are going to ever get is half ass results."

Love you both!

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