What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Win it all Wednesday

Goodmorning J2fit nation.  By now, I am hoping that you have and/or are ready to sieze the day, and getting your lifestyle off to another great start.

1. Complete meal containing one (women) - two (men) servings of lean protein, veggies, fruit, and some healthy fats or complex carbohydrates (mote on what that entails to come).

2. Glass of H2O (muscles are about 75-80% H2O) so let's feed for optimal success.

3. Take you mutlivitamins and omega 3-6.

4. Walk out the door, head high, rain or shine, ready to conquer your presentation, expense reports, business calls, and even for those of you lucky enough to exercise now instead of later, CARPE DIEM THE SHIT OUT OF TODAY!

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