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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Win it All" Wednesday: Go, See, Conquer, REPEAT

Wednesdays...the day of the Hump, of your week...(sounded cooler in my head I guess).

"Off-days" are seldom in the life of a personal trainer, advocate of movement, and the love for that special conquering feeling after spending time and maximal effort in the one's "Iron Heaven and Hell" (contrasting imagery, too true to hate).

After a great start to my week, I decided to snowball my small yet vital feats and keep my progress rolling.  Momentum of successes are key to any pursuit in life, because failure is lurking around every opportunity.  That being said, here is today's lesson:
*Disclaimer*  These lessons I speak of are merely my opinion, so live and let live, all while providing constructive feedback!

I have come to adopt a growth-mindset which views all challenges, setbacks, and criticisms in one's life as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow.  In this mindset, failure is imminent.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  However, I also recognize that those failures (both minute and catastrophic) are inevitable opportunities to improve, get stronger, gain insight and experience, refine one's craft, and learn from the failure so that one is better prepared for the next.  This outlooks does not accept failure, rather it has a special relationship with failure.  I recognize, I respect, and I move forward, using failure as a valuable lesson to help me succeed in my greater pursuits.

The opposition is the fixed mindset.  Fixed mindset individuals look at these failures with utmost fear, terrified that when failure strikes, it is because their abilities and skill sets are lacking AND that the lacking attributes are fixed, ultimately destined for failure again.  Hence, repeated and reinforced negative outlooks, pessimism, and fear of failure.

That being said, we need to view every setback, failure, and loss, as an great opportunity to comeback, succeed, and gain.  We need to all look at the glass that is either half full/empty and agree that at some point it may be run dry, but that doesn't mean that we cannot go fill that sucker back up with the insight and knowledge gained from our previous attempts.

Whether in life, the gym, relationships, or work, this is always the case, so might as well recognize failure, become more humble, and set out to become better.

Today's Workout

Warm-Up: 1 mile run
1. The Pit: 140 reps (BB 75# Thrusters - Rest - KB 53# American Swings- Rest - Burpees - Rest - 20in Box Jump)
2. Density Training: 15 mins
Pick 5 exercises, use loads that are 10RM (rep max) for each.  Then, perform one repetition of each movement for each in consecutive circuit manner (should get all 5 reps...1 rep of each exercise...in about 1 minute = 1 set).  Pick time frame and get as many sets in as possible.  Push yourself, and get shit done.
a) DB Tricep Press (pair of 50# DB)
b) DB Push Press (pair of 50# DB)
c) DB Bent Row (pair of 50# DB)
d) DB Weighted V-Up (one 50#)
e) DB Curl (pair of 35# DB)

Then, for shits and giggles, I added up the total amount of lbs I moved in 15 mins...check this out...
Multiply # of DB X each arm used in movement per movement, then X by total sets = TONAGE!!!
SO, I moved just over 3 TONS (7250#) in 15 minutes.  Not to shabby for my first run.
3. Hip and Shoulder Mobility Complex
Cardin-Enhancement: 1 mile run

There ya have it, success!

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