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Thursday, August 23, 2012

"That's like, deep, like deep deep man...."

Love of the pursuits, love of the work towards the common goal, and love of the persistence, the challenges, and the teamwork necessary for THE SUCCESS. This is today's topic.

Today marked the official beginning of leading the herd.  As you may know, in addition to living the J2Fit lifestyle, I also have made my profession in inspiring, leading, and being an integral part of the lives of (hopefully anyone willing to lend an ear), my clients, friends, and family, addressing; health and wellness behaviors, goals, outlooks, and ultimately lifestyles.  My mission as an Exercise & Nutrition Health Professional, Certified Personal Trainer, and role model, is to "direct, motivate, and shape the path" (Switch, By Chip and Dan Heath), of how we ALL can balance the wants, impulses, and needs throughout our hectic lives.

It brings me great joy to be able to share my passion with you, my fellow colleagues here at J2Fit, and anyone who is willing to give the effort and their all (that is all I can and will ask from anyone who is ready to take the steps towards their boundless future) towards their whole-hearted pursuits.  So now, my clients and I, along with our very own Mike Barbot and Brianna Weiclaw (yes, my trusted J2Fit advocates and health professionals), will be embarking on our physical and mental feats together, through the practices of; "Teamwork, perseverance, motivation, leadership, and trust...all characteristics that comprise the pillars of any successful individual."

Hence, our journey here is not solely of fitness. Fitness serves as the gateway and portal to greater development, character building, humility (see Life's Lessons #1), failure, perseverance, dedication, cooperation, and success.

Deep shit huh...

That's what I have for you.

Behind "Manhattan Mike's" reddish tan skin, freckled physique, and Prince Harry look-a-like face, are insightful messages, ones waiting to be heard, analyzed. and reformulated into your very own.

Whew...it's just one of those days.

Today's workout:
1a. 5/3/1 (3x3) BB Clean and Press
1b. KB American Swing 3xAMAP 1min
2a. BB Inclined Press 3x8,8,20
2a. Weighted Pulldown 3x10,10,20
3a. Assisted Muscle Up (done on assisted pull/chin up machine) 3x8-12
3b. DB Hammer Alternating Curl 3x5-10/side
4a. 65# BB Snatch 3x20 AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
4b. 65# BB Overhead Squat 3x10 AFAP
4c. 65# BB Plyometric Jump Squat 3x10 AFAP
5a. 90# BB Landmine with Single Arm Alternating Chest-Shoulder Press 3x10/side
Cardio: Stair Climber 25mins

It was a doozey, and one that left me excited for tomorrow (thank God though I have 19 hours left of recovery). 

So in closing, chew on this one...

"It's easier to persevere on a long journey when you're traveling with a herd."  
- Yet, another gem from the Heath Brothers

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