What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday is a day of rest......or not

Hello again much appreciated readers. I apologize for my absence the last two days. Work has had me tied up and unable to talk to you. But never fear I'm back today. Hope your weekend is going well and you are either getting your much needed rest, recreation, and recovery in, or you are utilizing this extra time to get after it hard. I'm choosing the second option today due to my predicted work schedule this week, trying to get it all in while I have the time. Anyways, let's just get right into it.

Foam roll session and Handstand work

Push Jerk w/ Weighted Pull Ups - worked up to a 3 rep max
Push Jerk w/ Weighted Pull Ups - worked up to a 1 rep max

EMOM 20 min
Odd - 4 x Push Jerk 70%
Even - 3 x Weighted PullUp 70%

4 rounds
11 x Wallball (was able to find a 20 lb ball today)
30 sec Handstand

3 mins Abs - 2 rounds
30 sec Plank > L Side Plank > R Side Plank > Mountain Climber > Russian Twist > Scissor Kicks

We made some new personal records (PRs) in the gym today. I hit 215# on the Push Jerk while Lucas got up to 235# and also hit a PR by doing 110# Weighted Pull Up.
So we went pretty heavy today, for us at least, I'm sure big Mike would call these weights light sauce.

We have had some nagging injuries come up a lot at work this last week or so and I keep seeing a lot of people revert back to the classic treatments of Ice and Ibuprofen. I used to do this as well and never took another thought about it. Recently though I've seen and read some interesting thoughts about these treatment methods and I'm of the belief now that they may not be the best way to go. Check out this video and see what you think.

To be continued.....

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