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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Challenge Yourself!

To touch on Mike's uphill walking workout, it is a lot harder than it sounds. And if you try it and you breeze through it go grab a weight vest or a ruck/backpack and go back at it. Always find a way to challenge yourself in a workout. If something is easy, find a way to make it hard. Think you have the Push Up mastered? Add a weight vest or try doing them with your feet on a 30" box. That easy too? Move on to Handstand Push Ups. Always be looking for ways to improve and challenge yourself and never be satisfied with where you are currently at. Have a goal, reach it, and set it even higher. Keep setting your bar higher and higher, even if its just one more rep or another 5 pounds.
You can't lift 100 pounds before you can lift 95 pounds.

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