What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Monday, August 27, 2012

No Work = 2 a Days & Playing Outside

Today was a day off of work for us, its about damn time. So of course this meant I would end up being bored and working out twice, which did indeed happen. Not that I'm mad about it though. I had the time so I used it because who knows if I'll have extra time later in the week. Today was Light Squat Day so we didn't go above 70% but we added in a fast, explosive movement with the Squat Jumps.

Back Squat w/ Squat Jump @ 95#
10-8-6-4-2 Increasing Weight
Overhead Squat x 30

2 rounds
60 yd run > Climb Fence > 3 Tire-high jumps x5 > 10 Tire Flips > 100 yd Tire Carry > 30 yd Log Lunge, Run back > Fence Climb > 60 yd run > 10 Backboard touches > 10 Pullups/Dips/Pushups > 1 suicide sprint

1,2,3,4,5,6 Pull Up Ladder x 2
30 sec flexed hang

For the second part of our first session we went outside to get a different view and our daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun. So we ran to the outfield of the baseball field, jumped over the fence, did some tire jumps, tire flips, tire carries (they had a lot of tires) and log lunges. Then we hopped the fence and headed back to home base and over to the basketball court to do the backboard touches, pullups, dips, pushups, and the suicide sprint. It was a fun workout and felt awesome to get outside and soak up some rays. We ended the day with the Pull Up ladder and a simple Flexed Arm Hang.

On to the next one....

Rower - 30 seconds on/30 seconds off for 30 minutes for distance - 5290m

EMOM for 5 minutes - 1 Muscle Up

Shoulder Prehab - 3x5 of Scarecrows and External Rotations

GHD Sit Ups x 50


Not a whole lot going on in this second session, mainly just the cardio from the rower and a lot of stretching. One big progress area was the Muscle Ups though. Out of no where we attempted and successfully performed a Muscle Up on the pull up bar. Completely random and not planned but after that we decided to just go with it and try to do some more. Sadly by the 5th minute we were flopping like fish.

BUT that was visible, measurable progress! And there isn't anything more motivating than to see progress in yourself. That's what everyone is in the gym for, to get better. To actually see results from your hard work makes you want to get in there and work even harder. That's why it's important to record your workouts and track yourself. It serves a dual purpose, to show what you have done so as to not overwork yourself....excuse me "under recover" yourself....but also to show your progress. The guys at the gym with the big notebook writing down every set with every weight and rest times and day of the week and lunar cycle may be going a bit overboard but guess who is going to see the results and stay motivated. The athlete who writes everything down or the athlete who doesn't track anything and never remembers what they did last time. In conclusion, have a way to accurately track yourself and you can literally watch yourself get better. You will stay motivated and be excited about going back to the gym to break new ground and cruise on to your goals....you do have goals right???

"There is no achievement without goals."
-Robert J. McKaine

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