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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Muscle Physiology for Dummies: Part I

Sorry about Manhattan Mike's hiatus. Between life's curve balls, and technology glitches (phone crashes), I still managed to get it done in my J2Fit. As we know, I have been doing it dirty for the CMC event, as well as continuing in my 5/3/1 program to increase my Dead-lift, Bench Press, Clean and Press, and Back Squat lifts.

Today was a hectic day, with short little breaks that I CARPE DIEMED...(I am a Exercise and Nutrition Specialist / Trainer, so I tend to have slots randomly throughout the day, hence why I pull multiple workouts sometimes in short durations..FYI)

Workout 1 = 30 mins (Between clients and lunch break)
1a. 5/3/1 (3x3,3,3+) Back Squat
1b. 3xAMAP 1min 20in Box Jump
2b. Timed Mile

Workout 2 = 60 mins
This workout was forged through telling myself my ass if going to get it done, and a little help from Mr. Mike Barbot, your fellow J2Fit guru.  I had about 20 mins while he was doing his thing, so I took advantage and cranked out the rest of my lower body blast...
1a. Dual Kettle bell (KB) Single Leg (SL) Roman Dead lift (RDL) - Clean - Reverse Lunge for 50 reps
2a. Walking KB Lunge 3x20 steps
2a. Barbell (BB) Back Loaded High Box Step Up 3x20 steps

Part two of this was "THE PIT" (See Sunday 19th's post for this workout ): I managed to rep out 7 more reps (142 to 149) than two days ago, and I credit that to my workout partner and private ass kicking specialist (like myself, also a Certified Personal Trainer, CPT).

Part Three: What I will call my "275 Core and Push Circuit"...lame ass name huh...FREE workout plan for any J2Fitter to come up with a better one for this...Seriously!) 
5 Rounds: about 20 mins
1. Ab Roll Out (kiss the floor!!!) x20 (Abdominals)
2. Weighted Hip Extension x15 (Lower Back, Hamstrings, Ass)
3. Inverted Plyometric Close Grip Push-Up x10 (Triceps, Chest)
4. Inverted Bodywork Handstand Shoulder Press x5 (Shoulders, Core)

We ended our workout with  10 mins of uphill sprint intervals, all to increase our lower body muscular endurance, and to try to become more comfortable and able to withhold the painful lactate buildup in our exercising muscles.

Muscle Physiology Lesson #1: The above threshold is the point in which exercising muscles cannot properly filter out acidity in muscle during higher intensity exercise, which in turn leads to "the burn", hence increased pain and lowered tolerance for exercise, decreased performance at higher intensities, etc... ALL things my ass doesn't want to happen to me when I am competing, hence I bust it now, get my body more adapt to it, and ultimately train my anaerobic (without oxygen, which leads to lactate buildup...) threshold and shift it so it happens at even higher intensities, now meaning I will be able to train harder and longer, without as much of the painful build-up. 

If you have questions on how to do this, or anything about fitness, health, etc., shoot me a message.  It is what I do, who I am, and by golly, what I spent the last 7 years of formal education; (a) B.S. Exercise Science and Nutrition, (2) M.A. Exercise Physiology ... and professional life in (and endless student loans, what what!).

Now to feed for future workouts, life, and performance,....i.e; SPORTS NUTRITION and supplementation (when needed).  If you have any specific or general acquisitions on these topics, also let me know.  I will be posting discussions in due time, however your feedback and issues/questions/concerns are things I thrive upon ,and I am always here to lend an insightful and educated ear, as well as my colleagues, to address any and all!

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