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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Run Forrest, Run

Hello J2F readers! First off, let me explain some on my chosen title of this post. Who has not seen the American classic, Forrest Gump? Anyone? Exactly. For my most recent workouts, I have been dealing with the concept of self motivation. I have all that I need to get myself started, but in preparation for the CMC Challenge I am facing that ever-annoying little voice inside my head telling me "I'm done". Why can't my little voice sound motivating, like Jenny, and only wish me to run faster? For those who have not read in some of Mike's posts, the Mikes, aka Meatballs, and I will be competing in a race of epic proportions come late September. The race is know as the Civilian Military Combine Challenge and it is going to be legend...wait for it....dary! *Link to race website listed below.

I am fairly new to the racing scene. My first race was at the beginning of this summer in May, known as the Spartan Race 5k Sprinter. I can't lie, it was tough. Tough, but seemingly manageable and amazingly enjoyable. My biggest obstacle I found (no pun intended considering it was an obstacle course) was the uphill running. I did prepare considerably for this event, but my cardiovascular endurance was never challenged on too steep of an angle for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, I am taking extra care to add in inclines to most of my cardio training in preparation for the CMC. Nothing lower than 5% ranging up to 12% incline on tredmill. So far I have discovered my quads are the biggest burnouts since Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused.

A little overview of the CMC Challenge; it consists of a Pit portion followed by the Race portion. The Pit contains four elements, all timed for 90 seconds for reps with 30 seconds rest in between. The four total body, total mind blowing exercises are 1) Thruster or Squat Presses 2) Burpees 3) Box Jumps 4) Overhead Kettlebell Swings. On Monday I gave my first attempt for timed reps and averaged a total of 132. The Women's average is 129. So I guess I'm slightly above average, but not nearly a good enough amount on my terms. This realization led me to then complete the Pit Challenge twice more with 100 12KB  traditional swings in between rounds. Mainly I wanted to get the movements clear in my body, but also, I wanted to see if I could push myself without my conscience laughing at me. The second part of the CMC Challenge is the Race portion; 4.5 miles of terrain with intermittent obstacles throughout. Can you say beastmode? Hashtagged.

Now if this does not seem like a challenge in any way, please contact me so you can start training me immediately! To the non-Cross Fit junkies, "Hey I workout...1x a week", Wii Tennis playing part of the population you can now possible understand my trepidation. At the end of the day I know I will finish, maybe not top 5, more likely nowhere near the top whatever, but I will cross that finish line...hopefully standing. All jokes aside, this will be a challenge of my cardiovascular endurance, strength, power and most importantly determination. A challenge I fully intend to overcome. First step; change my mind set. No numbers, no limits, no stopping: just go. Or in the words of Jenny Curan, "Run, Forrest, Run."

Daily CMC Training Workout:
Completed Pit Challenge: 127 averaged  using 16KB (Race will use 12KB)

Followed up immediately to simulate the Race portion with Quarter mile runs averaging 5% incline, 6.4mph
After 1st lap: 20 32KB swings
2nd lap: 20 12KB clean and presses
3rd lap: 20 12KB single arm snatches
4th: lap: "army" crawls under benches
5th lap: 20 burpees

Today, I was able to shut off my negative "No" my inner voice loves to tell me, and rather changed it to "Go!" Gotta love those endorphins!


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