What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Run Run Run......Run...Rest

Well hey there, I missed you yesterday. Don't worry though, you didn't miss out on anything too exciting. Quick recap from yesterday - in the morning our section at work went on a 4 mile run to the old football stadium, ran about 20 sets of stairs, and then took a more direct route back which ended up being twice as fast. So a nice 6 mile run with some stairs in there to get the day started off right. Then after work our gym session got cut short but we were able to get in our main work for the day which was 5x5 of strict Overhead Press followed by 5x5 of Push Press and finished with 6x3 of Push Jerk. Heavy pressing which was supposed to be followed by some pulling to even things out but unforeseen events got in the way.

But that was yesterday! Today on the other hand was a rest day so no picking things up and putting them down today. I did get the chance to go out and play soccer this morning though which was a damn good time. Hopefully I will be a little better tomorrow when I actually have some spikes on. For those who haven't tried playing soccer on wet grass with running shoes on, it doesn't work out too well and you come home with lots of grass up your shorts and a sore ass from all the falling.

Short day today, but in other news we will be changing some things up a bit at J2Fit so don't be scared if things look a bit different the next time you stop by. It's still the same old crew here just changing a few things up to continually improve and get better for our sake and yours, the loyal readers. Let us know what you think next time you stop in and if there is something else you want to see, hear, or read about. Or hell, just say hi!

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar

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