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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday Workouts

I had to go into work today but before I did I was able to get through 2 short workouts.

The first workout:
30 reps of Bear Complex @ 115 lbs  in 12 minutes 20 seconds

The second:
Ascending Ladder 1,2,3,4,5 reps of Pull ups followed by Burpees repeated 3 times

The Bear Complex I first learned about from my sister's CrossFit gym. It consists of a clean, front squat, push press, back squat, and finally another push press from behind the head. That is 1 repetition. I decided to do this workout after I saw that Rich Froning (CrossFit Games winner 2011 and 2012) did it the other night. The only difference is that he used 225 pounds. He didn't post his time but I can only imagine it was a quite a bit faster than mine.

The second workout was just a quick workout to get me moving as well as to work on my pull-ups especially when fatigued and out of breathe from the previous workout and the burpees. I didn't time myself but I moved through the reps quickly and rested about 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Nothing too crazy today considering the amount of volume I put in the last 2 weeks and with a 24 hour training event coming up tomorrow I didn't want to be tore up tomorrow. Don't expect anything tomorrow, talk to you on Monday.

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