What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back in Action

What is up my fellow fitness freaks! Finally back to the real world after a long absence and damn it feels good. Had a long weekend of training and a 24 hour staff duty shift and I'm rolling along on a few hours of precious sleep so apologies in advance for any portion of this post that may seem jumbled or confusing.

Today was the first day back in the gym since Wednesday night and it was good to be back. I mean I did run around the woods playing G.I. Joe Thursday and Friday so I wasn't completely lazy but anyways. I just revamped my workout schedule here since my schedule will return to somewhat normal and today was the first day of it - Heavy Cleans with a fast and intense WOD. Here she is...

Foam Roll, Shoulder Dislocates
Row 500m

Power Cleans:
3x5 @ 65%
5x5 @ 75%
5x3 @ 85%
1x10 @ 55%

Fran - 558
21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters @ 95#
Pull Ups

5 mins Abs
1 min Sit Ups > 1 min Russian Twists > 30 sec L Side Plank > 30 sec R Side Plank > 1 min Flutter Kicks > 1 min Plank

A decent amount of Power Cleans today. We normally end up only doing Hang Cleans so today was a good change to our normal routine. It also throws a little deadlifting into the mix. Recently we have acquired an app that allows you to record videos and then break them down frame by frame and even draw lines on it just like John Madden used to on TV. So expect to see some pictures or potentially even videos coming from that once we get the hang of it.
The second part of today was Fran, which is known to many in the CrossFit arena as one of the worst and most tiring WODs there is. It is also one of the biggest benchmark workouts they have. Asking someone what their Fran time is equates to asking someone what their bench press is in more traditional gyms. It is a killer workout that left us gasping for breath and someone, I won't mention any names, almost puked. Although the aforementioned someone also beat me by 1 second so I can't say much.

Due to some other issues (fantasy football draft) it doesn't look like we will get back to the gym today but we have tomorrow off so be ready for two workouts, I'm sure we will be bored and come up with something crazy.

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else will"
~ Sugar Ray Robinson

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