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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Anti-Rest Sunday

Part 2 of No Rest Sunday. Don't ask me why I felt like punishing myself today but damn it felt good. In a way today was a restful day, a lot of stress release from the week and I'll be damned if it don't sleep like a baby tonight!

10 minutes Aerodyne - 30 slow/30 fast

5 rounds
5 x Deadlift 275#
10 x Burpees

100 Push Ups
90 Sit Ups
80 Air Squats
70 4 count Flutter Kicks
60 Bench Press 135#
50 Thruster 45#
40 Pull Ups
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Burpees
10 4 count Jumping Jacks

1 x 3  puking in the bathroom
The idea for the second workout today was to get in a quick intense workout and then do a longer, lighter workout. The first workout we timed and once again Lucas came out on top. I went first and came in at 5:59. Lucas pushed through and beat me with 5:25. The longer workout was just that, long! Quite the way to end the day that's for sure. I won't lie, there was a moment during the workout that I thought about just stopping early and calling it a day. I knew that if I were to do that I would be angry at myself the rest of the day and regret not finishing a workout. When you make that decision to push on through the burning, you're not only increasing your physical fitness but your mental fitness and toughness as well. Then the next time that feeling of wanting to quit starts creeping in it will be easier for you to push through and finish strong since you have already been through workouts or life events just as bad as this before. The journey to fitness isn't all about being the biggest, strongest, or fastest but also being able to control and push yourself beyond your limits. Whether it is in a workout or any other event in your life having the mental toughness to push on and do what you have to do to get the job done will be immensely beneficial.
Enough talk for tonight, enjoy the remainder of your weekend and start the work week off on the right foot.

"You don't stop when you're tired. You stop when you're done."

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