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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Philosophical Teachings of Iron

Today was eventful. We all have those days where training should be the easiest (however hardest physically and maybe even mentally if you push yourself to humility) and most clarifying aspect of our day, but for whatever reason, things just seamed a little more cumbersome, a tad more demanding, and a bit more draining. Well today was mine.

Waking up today, I was struck with a sleep induced coma hangover, so you all know where I am going. This brings me to my first point.

(1) Stress can wreak havoc on our body, both physiologically, mentally,and emotionally.  Whether it be from deadlines, sleep hangovers (alcohol and food comas count too), moods, relationships, finances, etc., stresses somehow, someway, will always be a constant in our lives. Period. WHICH, brings my to my second point.

(2) Of all the aspects throughout our lives, your body and mind can be you savor, or your prison.  Let that sink in for one moment (sure, I'll wait...).  We all have choices.  Those choices will always have outcomes, which can be classified as a benefit or a consequence.  Before I proceed however, I want to point out that some things in our lives we do not have a choice and/or control over.  We cannot dictate the earth's atmosphere when it is 95 degrees out and public transit smells like a sweaty sac, just like we cannot control certain events and/or actions of others (read the works of Epictetuss, The Enchiridion and The Discourses, or pick up the shorter version called, The Manual For Living...great philosophical teachings).  BUT, we can control our actions and reactions to things which are not directly within our control. So today, my reaction to how I felt (sometimes we just feel like shit, and that's that), was to look at my workout as my first step towards turning this day around.  So here it goes... (Just wait, it "went" too).

- Lazy ass foam rolling
- Dynamic stretching (shoulder circumduction, hip flexion and extension)
- Speed rope for 500 hops

Workout Part 1(Porcelain Face Time):
- 5/3/1 Barbell Clean and Press (3x5,5,As Many As Possible AMAP)
- American KB Swings 24kg 3xAMAP in 1 minute

*Disclaimer* This wiped me clean on my ass.  Note to self...Do not eat egg omelet with sweet potato before workout (even if its 90 mins before)...because hot sauce burns when it comes back up.

Workout Part 2 (Puke and Rally, buff said...)
1a. BB Inclined Bench 3x12-15
1b. Body weight Pull / Chin Up 3xAMAP
2a. "Animal Flow" Beast Front Kick Through 3xAMAP 10 sec/side
2b. DB Hammer Alternating Curl 3x5/side (Hello Popeye)
3a. BB Snatch 3xAMAP in 30 sec
3b. TRX  Body weight Squat Jump 3xAMAP in 60 sec (ask my co-author Bri, I was a feeble man)
4a. Mr. McVeinerson's Bitch'n Grip'n Ladder:
- BB Reverse Curl (20 sec) - Rest (10 sec)
- TRX Triceps Extension (20 sec)
- Repeated for 3 round
5. Crosstown 2 Mile Tempo Run (dictated by Manhattan's lovely tourists and stop lights...really was sprint intervals due to certain individuals of a certain ethnicity taking pictures..., and traffic lights).

At the end, I felt beat, like a wet _____ .....

However, I chose to take a down day, and punch it in it's face, and say, "Not up in here!".  So when you aren't feeling it on your day of so called defeat, just know that if you can make one stride forward, no matter what aspect in life it may progress, its still a step forward.

*Disclaimer* If you give "Manhattan Mike" a beer he will talk to you for an hour, if you give him two, he will write a blog that rivals a thesis. Fact.

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