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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Competition and Weaknesses are Great Training Tools

Good day fellow J2Fitters. I've finally got a few minutes to recap today's workouts for you. It's been quite a long day for me as it sounds like it has for a few other people here today "cough Mike cough" but you'll have that. Let's just get straight into the work.

In the morning me and my guys went on a short little run but we kicked up the speed and ran some intervals on the way back. It was about 1.5 miles out. When we reached our turn around point we did a quick set of 50 Push Ups and then turned around and made the 1.5 miles into 4 separate sprint intervals. Well they all started out as sprints but by the time we stopped they had turned into gasping runs. Regardless it was a good way to start the day and got us kick started for the day.

Once we got done with the hellstorm at work for the day, me and my faithful workout partner Lucas headed to the gym to sweat the stress of the day away. It worked.

Warmed Up with foam rolling and 10 Burpees and 20 Sit Ups
Another CrossFit benchmark workout, Karen - 150 Wall Ball shots. Normally it is done with a 20 pound ball but the gym we were at only had 14 pound balls so that's what we had to use. We made ourselves the goal of completing it in 7 minutes. That's just under 3 seconds for each rep. I came out victorious today with a time of 6:36 while Lucas cruised in at 7:50. But that's not all...

6 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) of Back Squats x 5 with 10 Box Jumps. We ended the 9th round just as the timer hit 6 minutes.

Next was a small circuit consisting of 4 rounds of:
30 seconds of jump rope > 10 Burpees > 5 Air Squats
We finished up legs with 3 minutes of Air Squats, max reps. I just broke into the 100's with 101 reps.
Lastly we ended with 5 minutes of Ab work:
1 min of Flutter Kicks > 1 min of Sit Ups > 1 min of Bicycles > 1 min of Crunches w/feet up > 1 min Plank
Stretching and Complaining

2 things came to light today. 1) Competition is a great motivator. Whether its against someone else or against your own personal records, having a person to beat (even if its yourself) is an excellent way to push yourself. 2) We discovered a weakness on Lucas. He is lacking in the leg department. More so in the endurance than strength but they are all interconnected. So boys and girls, what do we do when we find a weakness? That's right! We attack it! We are going to turn this weakness into one of his strengths. Treat a weakness or imbalance as a disease. Diagnose it. Then make a plan to treat and cure this disease.

Now if you don't mind, I need to go recover and this bed looks like a good place to start.

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