What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Saturday? Nope, Monday!

I woke up this morning thinking today was Saturday, but I was quite wrong. Regardless I woke up and headed to the gym. My goal this morning wasn't to kill myself as my body was pretty tired from the last 24 hours. I wanted to get in the gym and get moving. So this is what I settled on doing when I got nice and warm.

Row 1000m - 3:40
Push Press x 3 followed by 5 Wall Ball Shots every minute on the minute (EMOTM) for 10 minutes
Circuit of Pull Ups/GHD Sit Ups/Double Unders 10 reps of each, 4 times through

Nothing crazy or heavy.

You can probably tell that CrossFit is a big influence in the workouts I do. I like the way they structure most of their workouts and also the general CrossFit community is a good time. My ultimate goal would be to compete within the games but at this point I don't have all the skills down not to mention I am no where near the athlete that those guys are.....yet, but you have to have goals.

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