What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pushing past the lazy you

Today was one of those days when you get to the gym, look around and think to yourself, "Maybe I'll just rest today". That was my attitude as I walked into the gym this morning. I was having trouble getting motivated and it didn't help that the gym was empty, I mean totally empty. Just me and the weights. Normally I would be happy, no one to complain about my music, crank the stereo up loud and throw some weights around. Today I just couldn't get in the mood though. I was already there so I was bound to do something.
After an extremely slow warm-up I decided that if I did my strength work I would skip my WOD and go home. I made the agreement with myself and got to work. I have recently begun the 5/3/1 program that our dear Dewar has been on. After reading the book and consulting with the one and only I started this week.

~3x5 Bench Press
~3x10 Bent Over Row
~3x10 Dips w/Cable Pushdowns

There! I was done. I did what I said I was going to do so now I can go home right? Wrong. I thought about leaving briefly but a multitude of thoughts rushed through my mind. How would I feel later if I skipped this? What were my competitors doing right now? How will this benefit me in the long run? Why am I being a bitch? I had this inner monologue with myself, who is apparently a little mean, for a few moments. I thought of my goals and how leaving would help me achieve them..........nothing. So I made the choice to push through. I picked the most motivating song and played it as loud as I could without my ears bleeding and as Mike would say, got shit done.

Cindy - 20 minute AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Once I finished, and was thoroughly deaf, I knew I made the right choice. The point of today is to push aside the lazy person inside of yourself and accomplish what you know you can and should do. Whether it's making it to the gym, spending those extra minutes at work, or even just getting up and getting to work. If you need help committing to the right decision just ask yourself these questions.
  1. Am I going to regret this later?
  2. Will I feel better once this is done?
  3. How will this help me achieve my goals?
These should help you make the right choice. But the fact that you need to ask these questions at all is evidence that you already know the right choice.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Post Sonny!!!!!! I need to give my lazy me a serious BEAT down!!! Great job with this blog!
