What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rest up the beat up, and beef up the rest!

Enough is enough, time to recognize my kryptonite.  My kryptonite is chronic heel and Achilles tendon pain, most likely caused from years of abuse during football, motorcycle accident, and more common than we think, EXERCISING IN THE WRONG SHOES.  I tend to over pronate, as do a majority of Americans, and it wasn't helped by my shoes that I have now.  I love my shoes, but they are not intended for 15-30 miles per week with someone of my ankle structure...I'm like an old man when it comes to the left ankle (I swear, it hurts when it rains...).  But, to train smarter, isn't necessarily always to train harder.  All that this minor setback meant was I am faced with a choice; I put up with shelling out for a pair of running shoes that offer support, instead of putting up with random flair ups of pain and frustration.  If you have nagging and/or reoccuring issues, hit us here at J2Fit up. If we do not have the answers, we will get them and/or get you in touch with someone who does!

Today's OFF day...

1a. BB Inclined Press 5x5
1b. Muscle Up (Half Up) 5x2
1c. Plyo BW Pull Up 5x3
2a. 5% inclined jog (nursing a foot issue, hence new shoes now)
3a. 30min bike (15sec all out:45sec average) x30

Today was a day not intended to actually do something. Ended up working out with my client, so all went well. Got the itch, and let it go.

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