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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thruster Hell

As you may have guessed from the title, did some Thrusters today....bout 100 to be exact. Probably one of the worst WODs I've done. I hate Thrusters, they suck. Aside from Burpees they are my most hated exercise. Not because I think they are a bad exercise but because they smoke the hell out of me. That's why I did the workout though. I knew that since I hate the exercise I don't do them as much as I should so this was a great chance to make up on some of those deficient reps. So here was the morning workout:

~Foam Roll and Aerodyne Bike - 10 mins, 30 sec fast/30 sec slow
~100 x Thrusters @ 95# - 13:56
~EMOM for 6 minutes - 1 x Muscle Up
~3x12 DB Incline Bench
~15 minutes of Handstands/Abs/Push Ups

After the 100 Thrusters I looked like a wet dog that just jumped in a swimming pool. Did a little extra work and then headed to work.

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