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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?

When life gets me working hard and pondering harder, my body is my fortress.  Paralleling the belief that your body is a temple, I stay true to myself.  The unforeseen and unexpected happen, things get said, and things go differently than planned.  Those you cannot hold on to for too long, because only bad will come of it.  Some of you have found ways to debrief, de-stress, and recoup from such events; however many have not.  What I offer you is my outlet, one forged from solidarity, two deuces thrown in the air to your naysayers, and a heighten respect for oneself; and ultimately the only means you have to accomplish your goals and overcome your setbacks...YOUR body and YOUR mind.

For you, I have what I turn to.  I believe that through exercise, nutrition, and dedication to preserving YOUR temple is rewarded by the outlooks, strengths, and relationships forged through iron, sweat, and occasional nausea.

"OFF" Day Recharge Workout: 55-75min
- Foam Roll: 10min
Why? *Rid your body of painful acid build-up, heal yourself from muscle damage, and recharge your neurological systems.

 How? *Find a roller, a tennis ball, soup can, etc, and get after it.  Videos to come.

- Cardiovascular Exercise: 30-45min
Why? *Improve your mood, lipid and blood pressure profiles, heart health, weight loss / weight maintenance, and stimulate positive thinking through increased blood flow and release of mood boosting neurotransmitters.

How? *Pick your piece of equipment (your own body for walking, running, jumping, dancing, etc, or any mass modalities found in local gym.

- Resistance Training: 15-20min
Why? *Improve muscular health, detoxify yourself from the vigor of life via attacking the weights, and improve your body composition and aesthetic prowess...A.K.A. CONFIDENCE.

How? *Pick a weight that allows you to complete ~20 reps on your first set.  Subtract the total cumulative number of reps from 100 total reps to get your rest period.  As you go into your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc sets, your rest periods will decrease, so get after it!
100 total reps - (20 reps in 1st set) = 80sec rest
100 total reps - (20 in 1st + 18 in 2nd set) = 62 sec rest
100 total reps - (20 in 1st + 18 in 2nd + 17 in 3rd set) = 45 sec rest
...You get the picture.  Use the same weight throughout entire circuit, descending all the way to zero.  

1) Cable Curl
2) Cable Triceps Extension / Kickback
3) BOSU Crunch
 ***Yes, this was an aesthetically based superficial workout.  Hey, we all need these now and then.  No one can deny improved body confidence, gusto, and empowerment.  We would all be lying if that wasn't true.

There you have it.  Roughly 60 minutes to a greater you.  A greater outlook.  A greater investment in your health retirement portfolio than many other vices out there...(drinking, eating, isolating one's self, negativity, etc).  Remember, your body is your temple.

"If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong"
- Thomas Jefferson

"Our body is a machine for living. It is geared towards it; it is its nature. Let life go on in it unhindered and let it defend itself; it will be more effective than if you paralyze it by encumbering it with remedies."
- Leo Tolstoy


  1. Great thoughts..I could use clarification on resistance portion.thanks! In time....

  2. what questions do you have about resistance portion. shoot me an email with questions/concerns, and I can go over things with you when you are ready to take the plunge.
