What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Warriors

This is a recap of the very eventful weekend that passed, followed up with a nice and liesure Monday.

Saturday: *8 mile training run; however actually did 9 miles to my girlfriend's dismay...  : )

Sunday: 45min
- 5/3/1 BB Bench Press: 10min
This was my 2nd week of my 3rd cycle, (so my 10th week since I started).  Loving this methodology.  Bench went up 15lbs, which is very consistent gains (for someone who has been trying to get this done for so long.  5lbs per month, I'll take it)...

- "Push" H.I.S.T. (High Intensity Strength Training): 20mins
Pick 5 exercises, use loads that are 10RM (rep max) for each.  Then, perform one repetition of each movement for each in consecutive circuit manner (should get all 5 reps...1 rep of each exercise...in about 1 minute = 1 set).  Pick time frame and get as many sets in as possible.  Push yourself, and get shit done.
a) SA DB Snatch (65#) x1/side
b) SA DB Windmill (65#) x1/side
c) SA DB Bench Press (65#) x1/side
d) DB Overhead Squat (pair of 15#) x1
e) I-Beam Wide Grip Pull Up / Side to Side Pull Up / Low Lat Pull Up x1

- Chest/Triceps Volume Circuit: 15min
Perform all exercises in circuit fashion, resting only at end of complete round.  Pick weights that are of your 10-12RM (hypertrophy training weight).  Perform 3 rounds.  Rest60-90sec between rounds.
a) Cable Seated Chest Press / Inverted Bodyweight Plyometric Push Up w/ Claps x10
b) Cable Flye (various angles) x10
c) Dip (I practiced on muscle up transitions, so I did dips from end of muscle up position) x10
d) Cable Pressdown / Overhead Extension x10

Monday: 100min
- 3.5 mile Central Park run w/ hills

- TRX / Bodyweight Plyometric Circuits
We did 30sec max work:30-45sec rest frames, in which I alternated work and rest with my workout partner / girlfriend.  We completed 5 rounds each (5mins total....30sec X 5 rounds X 2 people) before progressing into next exercise.
1. Squat Jump / 180 Jump Turns / Burpee x30sec
2. Inverted Row / Pull Up / Chin Up x30sec
3. Inverted Shoulder Press / Push Up / Dip x30sec
4. Core Variation / (Plyo Leg Raise, Kick Throughs, TRX Pike/Pull In, etc) x30sec

- 1 mile run HOME.

Pretty active weekend.  Nothing crazy.  No crazy times spent at gym, no frills, nada.  Just outdoors, fitness, friendship, hard work, effort, persistence, and improvements!

More to come for week ahead.  6 days until CMC event!

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