What is your age? Trying to determine our demographis to adjust!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

JVA 5K, Pressing, and Swimming

Today was a pretty busy day for this guy. Started out this morning doing a 5K run for MSG Jared Van Aalst. He was a Ranger who died 2 years ago while he was deployed. The money goes towards scholarships in his name so it's a good cause. As I mentioned yesterday, my goal was to run in under 20 minutes. Unfortunately I didn't quite make it. I ended up coming in at 20:53 which isn't too bad but a little over my goal. Luckily I have another chance to reach that goal in about a month.

After that nice morning run I moved to the gym in the afternoon for our heavy pressing day...

~DB Military Press 3x5 then 3x3 increasing weight
~DB Flat Bench  3x5 then 3x3 increasing weight
~Single Arm DB Flat bench 3x12
~WOD - "Gracen" - 15:59
10 rounds of:
3 x Clean and Jerk @ 135#
15 x Wall Ball Shots @ 20#

~100 Sit Ups

Felt good in the gym today, everything seemed to feel lighter than normal. Set a PR on the flat bench with the dumbbells so that kept the motivation going today. We threw in some single arm bench at the end to work the core a little differently than usual. The WOD for the day was a combination of Karen  (150 Wall Balls) and Grace (30 Clean and Jerks) hence the name "Gracen". It was a good combo and took anything I had left in my legs out of me. We finished the day with 100 sit ups before we could leave the gym.

Lastly, we decided to go to the pool since it was 90+ degrees out today. It was good to get outside and get some sun, had to get some UV rays on my pasty white skin.

Pretty busy day compared to a normal Saturday but I got a lot of quality work in and raised money for a fellow Ranger so I call that a success. To take a step up on that dreaded soap box for a moment, I was reminded today of the great feeling you get from helping and being involved with good causes. Just doing something as simple as paying $25 and running on a Saturday morning for a fallen brother. The point is to get out there and join a cause, contribute to society, and help someone out. The satisfaction you get is worth it and you may just be able to workout in the process which never hurts!

MSG Jared Van Aalst

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