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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proper Nutrition = High Octane Fuel

What's up athletes? As you may know, I'm home on vacation until October and I am living it up as much as possible. A lot of lounging and eating, a lot of eating and not my usual healthy foods either. I've cheated quite a bit and am starting to feel the effects. Normally my diet is clean and I eat healthy but since I've returned home my diet has taken a turn for the worse. Home cooked food along with parties and family gatherings don't make for the best scenarios for eating healthy.

The reason I bring this up is because of this lapse in nutritional discipline my performance in the gym has suffered. It may not be hugely significant but is very noticeable, especially to me. It has added a little more struggle under a weight that's normally manageable, added seconds on to workouts, and required just a little more motivation to get started. Sometimes the importance of nutrition gets lost in the rush of the day so a healthy meal gets sacrificed into a double cheeseburger and fries. I've heard people say that eating right is hard and confusing. These are just excuses so they can continue eating the same foods they always have. When you get down to it though eating right is simple, it just requires a decision by yourself to commit to it.

Aside from being a fat kid back at home, here is what else I've been up to...

1) 5x5 Squat Cleans 
"Grannie" 5 rounds
6 x Clean and Jerks then 50,40,30,20,10 of Double Unders and Sit Ups

1-5 Pull Up Ladder x 3

2)5x5 then 3x5 Flat Bench
5x5 Push Press

400m Run
21 x DB Swings 55#
12 x Pull Ups

3)5x5 Back Squat

Deadlift 225#
Overhead Squat 135#

Still getting the work in but not at the highest potential due to all this cheat food around the house.

In the end, fuel your body up right so you can perform at your highest. If you fill your body up with regular unleaded gas it will perform like a 1972 Station wagon....slow. You want to perform like a 2013 Ferrari then you need that super premium fuel. Picking up what I'm putting down? So next time you get out there and start your journey, make sure you fill up beforehand.

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